The 12 years of schooling is long enough for every student to grow up from naive boys and girls into independent individuals that aim to live, work, and learn for the community.

At the end of grade 12, students have to face big turning points in their lives. From this moment on, they will have to learn how to perfect themselves and prepare the necessary baggage to stand on their own feet.

In the important and meaningful moments of the warm and touching ceremony of Gratitude and Maturity, 12th-graders must have had so much to say, and express deep and sincere thanks to their parents, teachers, and VAschools for helping them with positive values. During their completion of high school curricula, they were always accompanied by the understanding and support from parents, the thoughtfulness and guidance from teachers, and the dedicated care and protection of the school.

The conclusion of the ceremony was marked by an emotional parting scene. Intimate hugs, emotional tears, or best wishes of success for each other brought the ceremony various emotions, colors, and memories.

VAschools would like to wish you, 12th-graders, confidence and constant flames of youthful enthusiasm to strongly walk the path you have chosen. Thank you all for being the pride of your parents, teachers, and VAschools.