Happiness is sharing and loving. It is the most solid mental foundation for an individual to live and socialize confidently. When someone learns to empathize with others and know how to spread love, he/she will certainly receive the same respect and love that they give.

Teaching students how to show love, develop community spirit, and become socially supportive has always been one of the educational criteria at VAschools. Studying at VAschools, students from preschool to senior high school not only gain comprehensive development in intellectual and physical terms, but also have their souls nurtured for the better. Thanks to this, they will grow in love and know how to love the things around them.



Head office: 252 Lac Long Quan St., Ward 10, District 11, HCMC

Hotline: 0916 303 252

VAschools District 11: (028) 3858 5300

VAschools Tan Binh District: (028) 73073 806